Friday, January 6, 2012

Angels malaika and moakkils have been mentioned in the Holy Quran

Assalam oalaikum,The Quran gives us ample proof about the existence of angels. They have been mentioned at several places in the Quran, such as the following:

(1) And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know."
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #30)
2) And He taught Adam all the names (of everything) , then He showed them to the angels and said, "Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful."
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #31)
3) They (angels) said: "Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise."
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #32)
4) And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves before Adam.". And they prostrated except Iblis (Satan), he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers (disobedient to Allah).
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #34)
5) Whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, His Messengers, Jibril (Gabriel) and Mika'il (Michael), then verily, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers."
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #98)
6) They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #102)
7) Verily, those who disbelieve, and die while they are disbelievers, it is they on whom is the Curse of Allah and of the angels and of mankind, combined.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #161)
8) It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to Allah, etc.) that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to Al-Masakin (the poor), and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and to set slaves free, performs As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat ), and gives the Zakat, and who fulfil their covenant when they make it, and who are patient in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting (during the battles). Such are the people of the truth and they are Al-Muttaqun (the pious - See V.2:2).
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #177)
9) Do they then wait for anything other than that Allah should come to them in the shadows of the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allah return all matters (for decision).
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #210)
10) And their Prophet (Samuel عليه السلام) said to them: Verily! The sign of His kingdom is that there shall come to you At-Tabut (a wooden box), wherein is Sakinah (peace and reassurance) from your Lord and a remnant of that which Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #248)
11) The Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say), "We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" - and they say, "We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all)."
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #285)
12) Allah bears witness that La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), and the angels, and those having knowledge (also give this witness); (He always) maintains His creation in Justice. La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #18)
13) Then the angels called him, while he was standing in prayer in Al-Mihrab (a praying place or a private room), (saying): "Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahya (John), confirming (believing in) the word from Allah [i.e. the creation of 'Îsa (Jesus) عليه السلام, the Word from Allah ("Be!" - and he was!)], noble, keeping away from sexual relations with women, a Prophet, from among the righteous."
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #39)
14) And (remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allah has chosen you, purified you (from polytheism and disbelief), and chosen you above the women of the 'Alamin (mankind and jinn) (of her lifetime)."
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #42)
15) (Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word ["Be!" - and he was! i.e. 'Îsa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)] from Him, his name will be the Messiah 'Îsa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are near to Allah."
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #45)
16) Nor would he order you to take angels and Prophets for lords (gods) . Would he order you to disbelieve after you have submitted to Allah's Will? (Tafsir At-Tabari).
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #80)
17) They are those whose recompense is that on them (rests) the Curse of Allah, of the angels, and of all mankind.
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #87)
18) (Remember) when you (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to the believers, "Is it not enough for you that your Lord (Allah) should help you with three thousand angels sent down?"
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #124)
19) "Yes, if you hold on to patience and piety, and the enemy comes rushing at you; your Lord will help you with five thousand angels having marks (of distinction)."
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #125)
20) Verily! As for those whom the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angels) say (to them): "In what (condition) were you?" They reply: "We were weak and oppressed on the earth." They (angels) say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" Such men will find their abode in Hell - What an evil destination!
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #97)
21) O you who believe! Believe in Allah, and His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and the Book (the Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger, and the Scripture which He sent down to those before (him); and whosoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has strayed far away.
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #136)
22) And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) but must believe in him ['Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being] before his ['Îsa (Jesus) عليه السلام) or a Jew's or a Christian's] death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he ['Îsa (Jesus)] will be a witness against them.
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #159)
23) But Allah bears witness to that which He has sent down (the Qur'an) unto you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم); He has sent it down with His Knowledge, and the angels bear witness. And Allah is All-Sufficient as a Witness.
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #166)
24) The Messiah will never be proud to reject to be a slave to Allah, nor the angels who are the near (to Allah). And whosoever rejects His worship and is proud, then He will gather them all together unto Himself.
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #172)
25) Made lawful to you this day are At-Tayyibat [all kinds of Halal (lawful) foods, which Allah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits)]. The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals) of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them. (Lawful to you in marriage) are chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (i.e. taking them in legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends. And whosoever disbelieves in Faith [i.e. in the Oneness of Allah and in all the other Articles of Faith i.e. His (Allah's) angels, His Holy Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection and Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments)], then fruitless is his work; and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
( سورة المائدة , Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #5)
26) And they say: "Why has not an angel been sent down to him?" Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been judged at once, and no respite would be granted to them.
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #8)
27) And had We appointed him an angel, We indeed would have made him a man, and We would have certainly confused them in which they are already confused (i.e. the Message of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم).
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #9)
28) Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "I don't tell you that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor (that) I know the Unseen; nor I tell you that I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me." Say: "Are the blind and the one who sees equal? Will you not then take thought?"
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #50)
29) He is the Irresistible, (Supreme) over His slaves, and He sends guardians (angels guarding and writing all of one's good and bad deeds) over you, until when death approaches one of you, Our Messengers (angel of death and his assistants) take his soul, and they never neglect their duty.
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #61)
30) And who can be more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah, or says: "A revelation has come to me" whereas no revelation has come to him in anything ; and who says, "I will reveal the like of what Allah has revealed." And if you could but see when the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands (saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth. And you used to reject His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) with disrespect! "
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #93)
31) And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and the dead had spoken unto them, and We had gathered together all things before their very eyes, they would not have believed, unless Allah willed, but most of them behave ignorantly.
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #111)
32) Do they then wait for anything other than that the angels should come to them, or that your Lord (Allah) should come, or that some of the Signs of your Lord should come (i.e. portents of the Hour e.g., rising of the sun from the west)! The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith. Say: "Wait you! we (too) are waiting."
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #158)
33) And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being); then We told the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to Adam", and they prostrated themselves, except Iblis (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrated themselves.
( سورة الأعراف , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #11)
34) Then Shaitan (Satan) whispered suggestions to them both in order to uncover that which was hidden from them of their private parts (before); he said: "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save that you should become angels or become of the immortals."
( سورة الأعراف , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #20)
35) Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations)? For such their appointed portion (good things of this worldly life and their period of stay therein) will reach them from the Book (of Decrees) until when Our Messengers (the angel of death and his assistants) come to them to take their souls, they (the angels) will say: "Where are those whom you used to invoke and worship besides Allah," they will reply, "They have vanished and deserted us." And they will bear witness against themselves, that they were disbelievers.
( سورة الأعراف , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #37)
36) Surely, those who are with your Lord (angels) are never too proud to perform acts of worship to Him, but they glorify His Praise and prostrate themselves before Him.
( سورة الأعراف , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #206)
37) (Remember) when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): "I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession."
( سورة الأنفال , Al-Anfal, Chapter #8, Verse #9)
38) (Remember) when your Lord revealed to the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."
( سورة الأنفال , Al-Anfal, Chapter #8, Verse #12)
39) And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of those who disbelieve (at death); they smite their faces and their backs, (saying): "Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire."
( سورة الأنفال , Al-Anfal, Chapter #8, Verse #50)
40) Then Allah did send down His Sakinah (calmness, tranquillity and reassurance) on the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and on the believers, and sent down forces (angels) which you saw not, and punished the disbelievers. Such is the recompense of disbelievers.
( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #26)
41) If you help him (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) not (it does not matter), for Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two; when they (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه) were in the cave, he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to his companion (Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه): "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us." Then Allah sent down His Sakinah (calmness, tranquillity, peace) upon him, and strengthened him with forces (angels) which you saw not, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowermost, while the Word of Allah that became the uppermost; and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #40)
42) And when We let mankind taste mercy after some adversity has afflicted them, behold! they take to plotting against Our Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)! Say: "Allah is more Swift in planning!" Certainly, Our Messengers (angels) record all of that which you plot.
( سورة يونس , Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #21)
43) So perchance you (Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم) may give up a part of what is revealed unto you, and that your breast feels straitened for it because they say, "Why has not a treasure been sent down unto him, or an angel has come with him?" But you are only a warner. And Allah is a Wakil (Disposer of affairs, Trustee, Guardian) over all things.
( سورة هود , Hud, Chapter #11, Verse #12)
44) "And I do not say to you that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor that I know the Ghaib (Unseen), nor do I say I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them. Allah knows what is in their inner-selves (as regards belief, etc.). In that case, I should, indeed be one of the Zalimun (wrong-doers, oppressors)."
( سورة هود , Hud, Chapter #11, Verse #31)
45) So when she heard of their accusation, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them; she gave each one of them a knife (to cut the foodstuff with), and she said [(to Yusuf (Joseph)]: "Come out before them." Then, when they saw him, they exalted him (at his beauty) and (in their astonishment) cut their hands. They said: "How perfect is Allah (or Allah forbid)! No man is this! This is none other than a noble angel!"
( سورة يوسف , Yusuf, Chapter #12, Verse #31)
46) For him (each person), there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the Command of Allah. Verily! Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). But when Allah wills a people's punishment, there can be no turning back of it, and they will find besides Him no protector.
( سورة الرعد , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #11)
47) And Ar-Ra'd (thunder) glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His Awe. He sends the thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills, yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah. And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.
( سورة الرعد , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #13)
48) 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), which they shall enter and (also) those who acted righteously from among their fathers, and their wives, and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying):
( سورة الرعد , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #23)
49) "Why do you not bring angels to us if you are of the truthful?"
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #7)
50) We send not the angels down except with the truth (i.e. for torment), and in that case, they (the disbelievers) would have no respite!
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #8)
51) They would surely say (in the evening): "Our eyes have been (as if) dazzled (we have not seen any angel or heaven). Nay, we are a people bewitched."
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #15)
52) And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #28)
53) So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #30)
54) And tell them about the guests (the angels) of Ibrahim (Abraham).
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #51)
55) They (the angels) said: "Do not be afraid! We give you glad tidings of a boy (son) possessing much knowledge and wisdom."
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #53)
56) They (the angels) said: "We give you glad tidings in truth. So be not of the despairing."
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #55)
57) They (the angels) said: "We have been sent to a people who are Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners).
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #58)
58) Then, when the Messengers (the angels) came unto the family of Lut (Lot).
( سورة الحجر , Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #61)
59) He sends down the angels with the Ruh (revelation) of His Command to whom of His slaves He wills (saying): "Warn mankind that La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so fear Me (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds).
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #2)
60) "Those whose lives the angels take while they are doing wrong to themselves (by disbelief and by associating partners in worship with Allah and by committing all kinds of crimes and evil deeds)." Then, they will make (false) submission (saying): "We used not to do any evil." (The angels will reply): "Yes! Truly, Allah is All-Knower of what you used to do.
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #28)
61) Those whose lives the angels take while they are in a pious state (i.e. pure from all evil, and worshipping none but Allah Alone) saying (to them): Salamun 'Alaikum (peace be on you) enter you Paradise, because of that (the good) which you used to do (in the world)."
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #32)
62) Do they (the disbelievers and polytheists) await but that the angels should come to them [to take away their souls (at death)], or there should come the command (i.e. the torment or the Day of Resurrection) of your Lord? Thus did those before them. And Allah wronged them not, but they used to wrong themselves.
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #33)
63) And to Allah prostrate all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, of the moving (living) creatures and the angels, and they are not proud [i.e. they worship their Lord (Allah) with humility].
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #49)
64) And they will offer (their full) submission to Allah (Alone) on that Day, and their invented false deities [all that they used to invoke besides Allah, e.g. idols, saints, priests, monks, angels, jinn, Jibril (Gabriel), Messengers] will vanish from them.
( سورة النحل , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #87)
65) Has then your Lord (O pagans of Makkah!) preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself from among the angels daughters? Verily you indeed utter an awful saying.
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #40)
66) Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم): "Call upon those - besides Him - whom you pretend [to be gods like angels, 'Îsa (Jesus), 'Uzair (Ezra), and others.]. They have neither the power to remove the adversity from you nor even to shift it from you to another person."
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #56)
67) Those whom they call upon [like 'Îsa (Jesus) - son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra), angel] desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord (Allah), as to which of them should be the nearest; and they ['Îsa (Jesus), 'Uzair (Ezra), angels and others] hope for His Mercy and fear His Torment. Verily, the Torment of your Lord is (something) to be afraid of!
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #57)
68) And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves unto Adam." They prostrated themselves except Iblis (Satan). He said: "Shall I prostrate myself to one whom You created from clay?"
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #61)
69) Perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) from mid-day till the darkness of the night (i.e. the Zuhr, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers), and recite the Qur'an in the early dawn (i.e. the morning prayer). Verily, the recitation of the Qur'an in the early dawn is ever witnessed (attended by the angels in charge of mankind of the day and the night) .
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #78)
70) "Or you cause the heaven to fall upon us in pieces, as you have pretended, or you bring Allah and the angels before (us) face to face;
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #92)
71) Say: "If there were on the earth, angels walking about in peace and security, We should certainly have sent down for them from the heaven an angel as a Messenger."
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #95)
72) And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves unto Adam." So they prostrated themselves except Iblis (Satan). He was one of the jinn; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord. Will you then take him (Iblis) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zalimun (polytheists, and wrong-doers).
( سورة الكهف , Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #50)
73) Do then those who disbelieved think that they can take My slaves [i.e., the angels, Allah's Messengers, 'Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)] as Auliya' (lords, gods, protectors) besides Me? Verily, We have prepared Hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) .
( سورة الكهف , Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #102)
74) She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Ruh [angel Jibril (Gabriel)], and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects.
( سورة مريم , Maryam, Chapter #19, Verse #17)
75) (The angel) said: "I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son."
( سورة مريم , Maryam, Chapter #19, Verse #19)
76) And we (angels) descend not except by the Command of your Lord (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم). To Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us, and what is between those two; and your Lord is never forgetful -
( سورة مريم , Maryam, Chapter #19, Verse #64)
77) And they say: "The Most Gracious (Allah) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Îsa (Jesus) عليه السلام], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels and others.)]."
( سورة مريم , Maryam, Chapter #19, Verse #88)
78) And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves to Adam." They prostrated themselves (all) except Iblis (Satan) he refused.
( سورة طه , Taha, Chapter #20, Verse #116)
79) To Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and on earth. And those who are near Him (i.e. the angels) are not too proud to worship Him, nor are they weary (of His worship).
( سورة الأنبياء , Al-Anbiya, Chapter #21, Verse #19)
80) They (i.e. the angels) glorify His Praises night and day, (and) they never slacken (to do so).
( سورة الأنبياء , Al-Anbiya, Chapter #21, Verse #20)
81) And they say: "The Most Gracious (Allah) has begotten a son (or children)." Glory to Him! They [whom they call children of Allah i.e. the angels, 'Îsa (Jesus) - son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra)], are but honoured slaves.
( سورة الأنبياء , Al-Anbiya, Chapter #21, Verse #26)
82) The greatest terror (on the Day of Resurrection) will not grieve them, and the angels will meet them, (with the greeting): "This is your Day which you were promised."
( سورة الأنبياء , Al-Anbiya, Chapter #21, Verse #103)
83) Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.
( سورة الحج , Al-Hajj, Chapter #22, Verse #75)
84) But the chiefs of his people who disbelieved said: "He is no more than a human being like you, he seeks to make himself superior to you. Had Allah willed, He surely could have sent down angels. Never did we hear such a thing among our fathers of old.
( سورة المؤمنون , Al-Mumenoon, Chapter #23, Verse #24)
85) And they say: "Why does this Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) eat food, and walk about in the markets (as we). Why is not an angel sent down to him to be a warner with him?
( سورة الفرقان , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #7)
86) And on the Day when He will gather them together and that which they worship besides Allah [idols, angels, pious men, saints] . He will say: "Was it you who misled these My slaves or did they (themselves) stray from the (Right) Path?"
( سورة الفرقان , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #17)
87) And those who expect not a Meeting with Us (i.e. those who deny the Day of Resurrection and the life of the Hereafter) said: "Why are not the angels sent down to us, or why do we not see our Lord?" Indeed they think too highly of themselves, and are scornful with great pride.
( سورة الفرقان , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #21)
88) On the Day they will see the angels - no glad tidings will there be for the Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners) that day. And they (angels) will say: "All kinds of glad tidings are forbidden to you," [none will be allowed to enter Paradise except the one who said: La ilaha illallah, "(none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) and acted practically on its legal orders and obligations. See the footnote of V.2:193)].
( سورة الفرقان , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #22)
89) And (remember) the Day when the heaven shall be rent asunder with clouds, and the angels will be sent down, with a grand descending.
( سورة الفرقان , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #25)
90) Who gives ear (to the devils and they pour what they may have heard of the Unseen from the angels), and most of them are liars.
( سورة الشعراء , Ash-Shuara, Chapter #26, Verse #223)
91) Recite (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'an), and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat). Verily, As-Salat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed) and the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allah in prayers. And Allah knows what you do.
( سورة العنكبوت , Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #45)
92) Say: "The angel of death, who is set over you, will take your souls. Then you shall be brought to your Lord."
( سورة السجدة , As-Sajda, Chapter #32, Verse #11)
93) O you who believe! Remember Allah's Favour to you, when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a wind and forces that you saw not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of Al-Ahzab (the Confederates)]. And Allah is Ever All-Seer of what you do.
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #9)
94) And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in their rage: they gained no advantage (booty). Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And Allah is Ever All-Strong, All-Mighty.
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #25)
95) He it is Who sends Salat (His blessings) on you, and His angels too (ask Allah to bless and forgive you), that He may bring you out from darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of Belief and Islamic Monotheism). And He is Ever Most Merciful to the believers.
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #43)
96) Their greeting on the Day they shall meet Him will be "Salam Peace (i.e. the angels will say to them: Salamun 'Alaikum)!" And He has prepared for them a generous reward (i.e. Paradise).
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #44)
97) Allah sends His Salat (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and also His angels (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salat on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salamu 'Alaikum ).
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #56)
98) Intercession with Him profits not except for him whom He permits. So much so that when fear is banished from their (angels') hearts, they (angels) say: "What is it that your Lord has said?" They say: "The truth. And He is the Most High, the Most Great."
( سورة سبأ , Saba, Chapter #34, Verse #23)
99) And (remember) the Day when He will gather them all together, then He will say to the angels: "Was it you that these people used to worship?"
( سورة سبأ , Saba, Chapter #34, Verse #40)
100) They (the angels) will say: "Glorified be You! You are our Wali (Lord) instead of them. Nay, but they used to worship the jinn; most of them were believers in them."
( سورة سبأ , Saba, Chapter #34, Verse #41)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(101) So Today (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), none of you can profit or harm one another. And We shall say to those who did wrong [i.e. worshipped others (like the angels, jinn, prophets, saints, righteous persons) along with Allah]: "Taste the torment of the Fire which you used to belie.
( سورة سبأ , Saba, Chapter #34, Verse #42)
102) All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the (only) Originator [or the (Only) Creator] of the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.
( سورة فاطر , Fatir, Chapter #35, Verse #1)
103) By those (angels) ranged in ranks (or rows).
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #1)
104) By those (angels) who drive the clouds in a good way.
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #2)
105) By those (angels) who bring the Book and the Qur'an from Allah to mankind [Tafsir Ibn Kathir].
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #3)
106) They cannot listen to the higher group (angels) for they are pelted from every side.
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #8)
107) (It will be said to the angels): "Assemble those who did wrong, together with their companions (from the devils) and what they used to worship,
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #22)
108) Or did We create the angels female while they were witnesses?
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #150)
109) "Allah has begotten [offspring - the angels being the daughters of Allah)?" And, verily, they are liars!
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #152)
110) And there is not one of us (angels) but has his known place (or position);
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #164)
111) And verily, we (angels), we stand in rows (for the prayers as you Muslims stand in rows for your prayers);
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #165)
112) And verily, we (angels), indeed are those who glorify (Allah's Praises i.e. perform prayers).
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #166)
113) And these only wait for a single Saihah [shout (i.e. the blowing of the Trumpet by the angel Israfil -)] there will be no pause or ending thereto [till everything will perish except Allah (the only God full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour)].
( سورة ص , Sad, Chapter #38, Verse #15)
114) "I had no knowledge of the chiefs (angels) on high when they were disputing and discussing (about the creation of Adam).
( سورة ص , Sad, Chapter #38, Verse #69)
115) (Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Truly I am going to create man from clay".
( سورة ص , Sad, Chapter #38, Verse #71)
116) So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them:
( سورة ص , Sad, Chapter #38, Verse #73)
117) And when Allah Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust (from the Oneness of Allah توحيد الله) and when those (whom they obey or worship) besides Him [like all false deities other than Allah, - it may be a Messenger, an angel, a pious man, a jinni, or any other creature even idols, graves of religious people, saints, priests, monks and others.] are mentioned, behold, they rejoice!
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #45)
118) And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne (of Allah) from all round, glorifying the praises of their Lord (Allah). And they (all the creatures) will be judged with truth. And it will be said, "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists)."
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #75)
119) Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allah) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) (saying): "Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your Way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire!
( سورة غافر , Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #7)
120) The Fire, they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon. And on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): "Cause Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people to enter the severest torment!"
( سورة غافر , Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #46)
121) And those in the Fire will say to the keepers (angels) of Hell: "Call upon your Lord to lighten for us the torment for a day!"
( سورة غافر , Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #49)
122) When the Messengers came to them, from before them and behind them (saying): "Worship none but Allah", they said: "If our Lord had so willed, He would surely have sent down the angels. So indeed we disbelieve in that with which you have been sent."
( سورة فصلت , Fussilat, Chapter #41, Verse #14)
123) Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they stand firm, on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!
( سورة فصلت , Fussilat, Chapter #41, Verse #30)
124) But if they are too proud (to do so), then there are those who are with your Lord (angels) glorify Him night and day, and never are they tired.
( سورة فصلت , Fussilat, Chapter #41, Verse #38)
125) Nearly the heavens might be rent asunder from above them (by His Majesty): and the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask for forgiveness for those on the earth. Verily, Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
( سورة الشورى , Ash-Shura, Chapter #42, Verse #5)
126) And they make the angels who themselves are slaves of the Most Gracious (Allah) females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned!
( سورة الزخرف , Az-Zukhruf, Chapter #43, Verse #19)
127) "Why then are not golden bracelets bestowed on him, or angels sent along with him?"
( سورة الزخرف , Az-Zukhruf, Chapter #43, Verse #53)
128) And if it were Our Will, We would have [destroyed you (mankind) all, and] made angels to replace you on the earth. [Tafsir At-Tabari].
( سورة الزخرف , Az-Zukhruf, Chapter #43, Verse #60)
129) Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsel? (Yes We do) and Our messengers (appointed angels in charge of mankind) are by them, to record.
( سورة الزخرف , Az-Zukhruf, Chapter #43, Verse #80)
130) This Our Record speaks about you with truth. Verily, We were recording what you used to do (i.e. Our angels used to record your deeds).
( سورة الجاثية , Al-Jathiya, Chapter #45, Verse #29)
131) Then how (will it be) when the angels will take their souls at death, smiting their faces and their backs?
( سورة محمد , Muhammad, Chapter #47, Verse #27)
132) (Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions).
( سورة ق , Qaf, Chapter #50, Verse #17)
133) And every person will come forth along with an (angel) to drive (him) and an (angel) to bear witness.
( سورة ق , Qaf, Chapter #50, Verse #21)
134) And his companion (angel) will say: "Here is (this Record) ready with me!"
( سورة ق , Qaf, Chapter #50, Verse #23)
135) (Allah will say to the angels): "Both of you throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever (in the Oneness of Allah, in His Messengers).
( سورة ق , Qaf, Chapter #50, Verse #24)
136) And those (angels) who distribute (provisions, rain, and other blessings) by (Allah's) Command.
( سورة الذاريات , Adh-Dhariyat, Chapter #51, Verse #4)
137) Has the story reached you, of the honoured guests [three angels; Jibril (Gabriel) along with another two] of Ibrahim (Abraham)?
( سورة الذاريات , Adh-Dhariyat, Chapter #51, Verse #24)
138) And by Al-Bait-ul-Ma'mur (the house over the heavens parallel to the Ka'bah at Makkah, continuously visited by the angels).
( سورة الطور , At-tur, Chapter #52, Verse #4)
139) Or have they a stairway (to heaven), by means of which they listen (to the talks of the angels)? Then let their listener produce some manifest proof.
( سورة الطور , At-tur, Chapter #52, Verse #38)
140) And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and is pleased with.
( سورة النجم , An-Najm, Chapter #53, Verse #26)
141) Verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.
( سورة النجم , An-Najm, Chapter #53, Verse #27)
142) Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but the purified (i.e. the angels).
( سورة الواقعة , Al-Waqia, Chapter #56, Verse #79)
143) But We (i.e. Our angels who take the soul) are nearer to him than you, but you see not, (Tafsir At-Tabari)
( سورة الواقعة , Al-Waqia, Chapter #56, Verse #85)
144) If you two (wives of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم : 'Aishah and Hafsah رضي الله عنهما) turn in repentance to Allah, (it will be better for you), your hearts are indeed so inclined (to oppose what the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم likes); but if you help one another against him (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), then verily, Allah is his Maula (Lord, or Master, or Protector), and Jibril (Gabriel), and the righteous among the believers; and furthermore, the angels are his helpers.
( سورة التحريم , At-Tahrim, Chapter #66, Verse #4)
145) O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.
( سورة التحريم , At-Tahrim, Chapter #66, Verse #6)
146) Nun. [These letters (Nun, etc.) are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. By the pen and by what they (the angels) write (in the Records of men).
( سورة القلم , Al-Qalam, Chapter #68, Verse #1)
147) And the angels will be on its sides, and eight angels will, that Day, bear the Throne of your Lord above them.
( سورة الحاقة , Al-Haaqqa, Chapter #69, Verse #17)
148) The angels and the Ruh [Jibril (Gabriel)] ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years.
( سورة المعارج , Al-Maarij, Chapter #70, Verse #4)
149) Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He has chosen (He informs him of unseen as much as He likes), and then He makes a band of watching guards (angels) to march before him and behind him.
( سورة الجن , Al-Jinn, Chapter #72, Verse #27)
150) Over it are nineteen (angels as guardians and keepers of Hell).
( سورة المدثر , Al-Muddathir, Chapter #74, Verse #30)
151) And We have set none but angels as guardians of the Fire. And We have fixed their number (19) only as a trial for the disbelievers, in order that the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) may arrive at a certainty [that this Qur'an is the truth as it agrees with their Books regarding the number (19) which is written in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and that the believers may increase in Faith (as this Qur'an is the truth), and that no doubt may be left for the people of the Scripture and the believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) and the disbelievers may say: "What Allah intends by this (curious) example ?" Thus Allah leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none can know the hosts of your Lord but He. And this (Hell) is nothing else than a (warning) reminder to mankind.
( سورة المدثر , Al-Muddathir, Chapter #74, Verse #31)
152) By the winds (or angels or the Messengers of Allah) sent forth one after another.
( سورة المرسلات , Al-Mursalat, Chapter #77, Verse #1)
153) And by the angels that bring the revelations to the Messengers,
( سورة المرسلات , Al-Mursalat, Chapter #77, Verse #5)
154) The Day that Ar-Ruh [Jibril (Gabriel) or another angel] and the angels will stand forth in rows, they will not speak except him whom the Most Gracious (Allah) allows, and he will speak what is right.
( سورة النبأ , An-Naba, Chapter #78, Verse #38)
155) By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of the disbelievers and the wicked) with great violence.
( سورة النازعات , An-Naziat, Chapter #79, Verse #1)
156) By those (angels) who gently take out (the souls of the believers).
( سورة النازعات , An-Naziat, Chapter #79, Verse #2)
157) And by those that swim along (i.e. angels or planets in their orbits).
( سورة النازعات , An-Naziat, Chapter #79, Verse #3)
158) And by those that press forward as in a race (i.e. the angels or stars or the horses).
( سورة النازعات , An-Naziat, Chapter #79, Verse #4)
159) And by those angels who arrange to do the Commands of their Lord, (so verily, you disbelievers will be called to account).
( سورة النازعات , An-Naziat, Chapter #79, Verse #5)
160) In the hands of scribes (angels).
( سورة عبس , Abasa, Chapter #80, Verse #15)
161) Obeyed (by the angels in the heavens), and trustworthy.
( سورة التكوير , At-Takwir, Chapter #81, Verse #21)
162) But verily, over you (are appointed angels in charge of mankind) to watch you,
( سورة الإنفطار , AL-Infitar, Chapter #82, Verse #10)
163) To which bear witness those nearest (to Allah, i.e. the angels).
( سورة المطففين , Al-Mutaffifin, Chapter #83, Verse #21)
164) There is no human being but has a protector over him (or her) (i.e. angels in charge of each human being guarding him, writing his good and bad deeds)
( سورة الطارق , At-Tariq, Chapter #86, Verse #4)
165) And your Lord comes with the angels in rows.
( سورة الفجر , Al-Fajr, Chapter #89, Verse #22)
166) Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibril (Gabril)] by Allah's Permission with all Decrees,
( سورة القدر , Al-Qadr, Chapter #97, Verse #4)
167) Say: (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم to these Mushrikun and Kafirun): "O Al-Kafirun (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar)!
( سورة الكافرون , Al-Kafiroon, Chapter #109, Verse #1)

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Anonymous said...

hi bhai am going through sirious problems can yu help me please? a got yur email adress but it dosent work,so am leavin comment and was hopin yu will help me please for the sake of Allah please!!my email adress is number is +447424305305

Anonymous said...

I wanted a wazifa which is safe and which requires asking help through mokels the one which on u r blog requires sleeping in another room that's difficult for me. If not can u tell any other wazifa to fulfill a hajat which seems impossible

Anonymous said...

As sallam!how ru?I was reading up on your articles about muwakkil,can u give me the methods n what to read to call a muwakkil,jazakallah wslm!

Anonymous said...

I had contact you about a problem and need some help, I had some mokels and they called an buzurag from Pakistan however he done something to them and made them crazy because I rejected him from my group, he has replaced my mokels with some other things that are evil and keep bringing other evil things in my home for example jinn That seem to be messing with my mind and now my wife's who's having a baby they seem to be coming in my prayer room I did hisar and it has made a difference but I think they are outside my home and doing things from there, theres a few that keep getting in , purple in color, red in color and green they also sending small shaytans in my bed room annoying me and my wife child with bad dreams There are also 3 mokels that call themselves syedas and seem to be obsessed with sexual relations with me and they don't go away I think she now thinks she is in charge. i have read a few different prayers amils from your web site it has made a difference however they still keep coming and I cam here them, can you please tell me what to read to kill them, I used the namma mubarik on Ur site it did make a difference however not enough to stop all They are buzzing in my head please can you advise me on amil to destroy them all or something Like salt etc I can make up and place outside thanks

Anonymous said...


InshaAllah you all are doing fine as usual...

I would like to learn about Muwakkil and Haazraat...
Who are Muwakkil...?
Can a person talking to Muwakkil via child as mediator talk to Muwakkil directly...
In Haazraat via Quranic verses can a person see Muwakkil...?
How one can get intuitions and control on Intuitions... is it possible.

Thanks for your cooperation...

zeeshan said...

Subject: i want to good amel who mokel kodse and help man kind from bad evils and jin

alhamdulillah i pray namaz 5 time and read quran.can you send me material reference books name or how i do .

first i remove my family jado also help peoples hilal way Quran black magic remove


also send me word or pdf file so i print and learn.

Rauf said...

Assalamalaikum Brother,
My name is Rauf and I live in New Zealand,I Want to learn Hazirat of moakil .I have been facing so much problems and i would really like to learn.If possible can you teach me or If you can give me a contact where I can learn as I live in New Zealand.If possible Please I would like to learn from you.Brother your reply will be highly appreciated
Jazak allah

Anonymous said...

Asalamualikum sheik.

Im from singapore. I would like to ask if you do conjuring of muwakkil for one purpose .

I would like to buy one if you do thos service. Thank you

Anonymous said...

sir, i want to do one ziker continously without any worldly purpose but i read in books about spritualism that when we do ziker continously then moukalats appear and create horror for that person. and if person do not have hisar they can attack on him?
please guide i have to do ziker without any purpose to control any moulkal or any worldly gain,is in this condition i can safely do any ziker without any fear of moukalats.
is moukatlat are related to Amil or every zakir person???
i have read your page about this ,

kindly remove my confusion about this matter.thanks a lot
your sincerely

cassim said...

As sallam!my name is cassim from the free state,I have been doin a muwakil amal a few tyms but I kept on falling asleep n not start at sametime evry night,is it possible if u can give u an amal to do 2call a muwakil,jazaaks wslm!

Anonymous said...

Assalam Alaikum

Im mohd taha from hyderabad india working in saudi arabia.

I read your blogs with lot of interest. One doubt getting in my mind. I want to ask / clarify.. later i will take further guidance from you..

In types of moakkils .. you wrote all moakkils are nake and good.. moakkils get angry if we do something wrong.. moakkils appreciate nake aamaals etcs..

I want to know .. if moakkils are good .. than why sifli moakkils do sexual intercourse.. why allah created moakkils to harm innocent people.. why all created evil moakkils.. christians and hindus take help of sifli moakkils?

One more doubt.. narsu jinn comes under which category..

Thanks and regards

Anonymous said...

Asalamo Alaikum Amil Sahib,

i am a mureed of sarwari qaderi silsila and naqshbandi tareeqah from america. I have been practicing Ruhaniah for a few years. I have a lot of experience with Qosam-e-Barhatiyah , Risala Roohi Shareef of Hz Sultan Bahoo (RTA) and Qaseedah Jaljalutiyyah Sughra/Kubro, of Imam Ali (KWJ) and ASMA Tahateel..

I am vegetarian and follow amilyat rules for jamali abstinence.

Can you give me ijazat to work with the Moakills of Surah Fatiha and directions for Their amal inshaAllah?

i already have worked with your MP3 amals on your site a long time ago and am looking for go deeper into this Uloom inshaAllah.

Salam and respect Sayidee.

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