Friday, January 6, 2012

the conditions on which the moakil-angels offer help

Assalam oalaikum,
Every Quranic verse, Allah’s pious names and each alphabet of the Quran has certain moakils (angelic powers) behind them. Generally speaking, these moakils can become active when a person starts reciting the Quranic verses. However, in amalyaat, moakil amal (tark-e-jalali and jamali) can be done only by highly trained amils in which the moakils actually make an appearance before the amil and help him out in his noble (jaez) works.
Initially the moakils try to dissuade the amil by trying to disrupt the amal. They try different ways of doing so. They can try to scare him by appearing before him in a frightening form. However, if the amil’s determination to complete the amal remains unwavering then the mokails select him and appear before him to help him. They also tell the amil about the method of summoning them.
In order to preform amal ba moakil the amil has to do tark-e-jalali and jamali.
The following guidelines should be strictly adhered to, only then will a moakil appear for help:
The room in which the Chilla is performed should be clean and fragrant. The moakils are pleased with cleanliness and fragrance.
There should not be any visitors in that room. So it is better if a vacant house is used for this purpose.
Apart from keeping one’s body and clothes absolutely clean it is also necessary that one’s mind and intentions should also be pure. If any illegitimate thought enters the mind then it should be ignored otherwise the moakils may get enraged and punish the amil.
The amal should be performed at the same time daily. This is because the moakils do not wait for the amil. If he gets late then the moakils may go back. This will spoil the amal.
These conditions should be fulfilled to appease the moakils and seek help through them.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Anonymous said...

what amal should we do?

Anonymous said...

I daily read sura e feel for enemy but not perform as a amal. What are effect of this sura . Is it jalali or jamali sura.

Anonymous said...

Asslam wa Alaikum. Allhamdulillah I found your website Subhan Allah I have learned so much about Islam in your website. Jazak Allah khairan kaseerah for the wazifa an lots of other duas in your website.

I want to do Surah Fatiha Amal to get help from maokkil in my dream. I have to listen to the recording of Surah Fatiha for 40 days. I'm a female if I start my Amal and have my menses/period so do I have to wait for 7 days an then continue for 40 days.

I have so much problems in my life since I was little girl until now. I spend more time in worrying an crying. My life is full of stress sometimes I end up in depression.
Allhamdulillah you have so much knowledge about Islam can u please tell me why my life is full of problems etc and what wazifa I do that will help me. Jazak Allah khair. Allah hafeez.

akhbar said...

Dear Amel Soname,
At my workplace I am being threatened by bribe taking people. They are contineously threating and teasing me. I informed my senior management but they didn't help me out. Please tell me how can I land Muwakkil on those bad people to scare them and to make them stay away from myself.
I look forward to hear from you.

Unknown said...

I want to get touch/speak with maukkil and i want they to b with me whay should i do? Evn i want dem to help me but only for good things not to do bad things with dem thanks

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